Summer 2015       |      Cindi A. Christenson, Registrar      |      Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor


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Head Off Job Site Disasters with Tailgate Safety Meetings

They need only take 10 to 15 minutes, but regular tailgate and/or toolbox safety meetings could make the difference between an accident-free project and one that results in serious injury or even death.

These Injury and Illness Prevention Program meetings actually are required by law in the construction and tunneling industries for projects that employ general contractors and subcontractors (California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8, Sections 8406 and 1509). However, all California employers must establish an Injury and Illness Prevention Program program to train employees in safe work practices (Title 8, CCR, Section 3203).


The meetings must be conducted by supervisory personnel, such as a foreman or project superintendent, and take place at least every 10 working days, according to the law. A record of the meeting also is required that notes the time, date, personnel present, subjects discussed, and corrective actions taken, if any.

Supervisors also should talk to employees about actual problems or potential issues that workers could face while on the job, according to the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). Discussions can center on work practices, equipment, tools, job site challenges, and even worker attitudes or behavior that could contribute to problems.

Managers also can raise particular topics that pertain to the work being performed. The Cal/OSHA Pocket Guide for the Construction Industry summarizes Title 8 safety requirements, and can be used to talk about best available safety practices specific to the work site.

DIR suggests that 10- to 15-minute tailgate safety meetings:

Provided by Cal/OSHA

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