License Revocation or Suspension
Elements of License Revocation
- The license will not be reinstated or reissued for one to five years from the effective date of the decision.
- None of the official personnel listed in CSLB's revoked license records, and who have been found to have had knowledge of or participated in the acts or omissions constituting grounds for the revocation, may apply for a license until the penalty period is over.
- The licensee also must show that they complied with all provisions of the decision and settled any loss caused by the act or omission that resulted in the license revocation, and file a disciplinary bond in the amount set by the Registrar.
Elements of License Suspension
- The licensee is not entitled to operate (conduct business) during the period of suspension.
- Depending on the type of action taken to suspend the license, a disciplinary bond may be required before the license will be reinstated or reissued.
Stay of Suspension or Revocation (probation)
- The licensee must abide by certain terms and conditions to prevent the suspension from going into effect.
- They also must file a disciplinary bond in order to remain in business during this period.
- License suspension or revocation of the license will result if any of the agreement terms are violated.
Recovery of Investigation and Enforcement Costs
- The licensee, in order to maintain good and clear standing or as a condition for renewal and reinstatement of their license, must pay the costs as ordered or as stipulated.
- Upon establishing that a blatant violation of the law has occurred, CSLB may go to court to obtain an injunction (which immediately stops the unlawful activity), or the board may file a criminal action with the local district attorney's office.
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