Step 2: Applying for the Examination
This step helps you understand how to apply for the examination.
Original Exam Application
Take time to read and follow carefully the instructions attached to the application. You must complete the following steps:
- Complete the Application for Original Contractor's License;
- You may apply for only one license classification at a time if you are required to take the examination. After your original license is issued, you may apply for additional classifications;
- The Certification of Work Experience form 13A-11 must be used to report and confirm the journey level work experience. No additional experience verification will be accepted after the application has been accepted;
- If the experience you claim is from owner builder work you must submit the Project List form 13A-64 for each completed construction project. This form must be used in addition to the Certificate of Work Experience;
- Complete the application and all accompanying forms in ink or with a typewriter. Forms completed in pencil will be returned to you;
- Make sure the application is dated and that all personnel listed have signed;
- Proofread your application for any omissions. If the Board has to return the application to you for any missing information, your license will be delayed;
- Submit the application, the $450 application processing fee, and all required documents to:
CSLB Headquarters
Contractors State License Board
P.O. Box 26000
Sacramento, CA 95826-0026 - Be certain to include your return address on the envelope; and
- Do not submit any bonds or the initial license fee with your application. Upon successful completion of your examination, you will be instructed to submit the required documents and initial license fee.
Applicants requiring Special Testing Accommodations.
Applicants with a disability requiring special testing accommodations must complete the Special Accommodation Request For Examination form 13E-77. The form is a part of the application packet and is also available at any CSLB office.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Public Law 101-336, the CSLB provides "reasonable accommodations" for applicants with disabilities that may affect their ability to take required examinations. It is the applicant's responsibility to notify the CSLB of alternative arrangements needed. The CSLB is not required by the ADA to provide special accommodations if they are unaware of specific needs.
What if I need a translator for the examination?
If you have difficulty understanding or reading the English language, CSLB may allow you to use a translator to read the examination for you. The translator you choose must be approved in advance by CSLB. If you would like to use a translator during your examination, please check the appropriate box on the front page of the application. You will be contacted by CSLB staff prior to your scheduled examination date regarding your request.
CSLB will acknowledge receipt of your application.
The CSLB will send you a letter of acknowledgment. This letter will contain two important numbers: an Application Fee Number and a four-digit Personal Identification (PIN) Number, together with instructions on how to use these numbers to check on the progress of your application.
Your Application Fee Number, also known as your "receipt number", will also appear on the front of your canceled check, on the Notice to Appear for Examination and on a request for you to submit the appropriate documents and initial license fee. Please retain a record of this number, and use it in all inquiries regarding your pending application.
How long does it take to complete the license application process?
Because there are many factors that affect the time it takes to process an application (type of application, workload, vacancies, etc.), processing times continually change. By using your Application Fee Number and your PIN (Personal Identification Number) to do an Application Status Check, you can get information on what date the Board is currently working on in regard to your specific type of application. This information is updated weekly and will give you a good idea of when your application will be pulled for processing.
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