Step 1: Before you apply for HIS Registration
What is a home improvement salesperson?
A "home improvement salesperson" (HIS) is defined in Business and Professions Code (BPC) section 7152 as a person who is employed by a licensed contractor to solicit, sell, negotiate or execute contracts for which home improvements may be performed, a swimming pool, hot tub or spa constructed, or home improvement goods or services installed or furnished.
Who must register as an HIS with CSLB?
You must register with CSLB if you solicit, sell, negotiate or execute home improvement contracts for a licensed contractor (regardless of the dollar amount of those contracts), with limited exceptions.
What are the exceptions?
Based upon BPC section 7152(c), the following are the only exceptions where a HIS registration is not required:
- An officer of record of a licensed corporation, or a manager, member, or officer of record of a licensed limited liability company
- A general partner listed on the license record of a partnership
- A qualifying person, as defined in BPC section 7025
- A salesperson whose sales are all made after negotiations between the parties if the negotiations are initiated by the prospective buyer at or with a general merchandise retail establishment that operates from a fixed location where goods or services are offered for sale
- A person who contacts the prospective buyer for the exclusive purpose of scheduling appointments for a registered home improvement salesperson.
- A bona fide service repairperson who is employed by a licensed contractor and whose repair or service call is limited to the service, repair, or emergency repair initially requested by the buyer of the service
What are the qualifications for becoming an HIS?
You must be at least 18 years of age. (There are no experience, residency, or educational requirements.)
May an HIS work for more than one contractor?
Yes, once a HIS is properly registered with CSLB, he/she may work for any number of contractors and sell a variety of goods and services. In addition, a new law that took effect on January 1, 2016 removes the requirement that a salesperson register separately with CSLB for each contractor that employs them.
The responsibility of notifying CSLB now rests with the licensed contractor. Contractors are required to notify CSLB in writing (Form) prior to employing a registered HIS, and within 90 days after employment ceases. The contractor's license also must be current, active, and in good standing.
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