Step 2: Completing Your Renewal Application
This step provides instructions for completing your renewal application. You will receive a renewal application from CSLB approximately 60 days before your license is due to expire.
IMPORTANT: If you have not received your renewal application from the CSLB within 45 days of the expiration date, you need to order a renewal online or by calling the CSLB at 1-800-321-CSLB (2752).
Completing Your Renewal Application
Be sure to complete your renewal application carefully. Incomplete applications will be returned for corrections and may result in a period of unlicensed time.
- The certification must be completed, including the current date (month, day, year) and the city, county and state.
- The renewal application must be signed by specific personnel.
- If a sole owner license, the Owner must sign.
- If a partnership license, all General Partners must sign.
- If a corporate license, an officer listed on the renewal must sign.
- If a limited liability company license, an officer, member, or manager listed on the renewal must sign.
- If a joint venture license, the qualifying individuals of each entity.
- IN ADDITION: All qualifiers (Responsible Managing Employee, Responsible Managing Officer, Responsible Managing Member, Responsible Managing Manager, Qualifying Partner) must sign.
- If there has been a change in your business name, show the new business name.
- The new business name cannot indicate that you qualify for a classification other than the one(s) in which you are currently licensed.
- The new business name cannot indicate a change in entity.
- The new business name cannot indicate a personnel change.
- For corporate name changes, the corporate name change must be first registered with the Secretary of State's Office.
- If there has been a change in your business address, show the new business address. If the business mailing address is a Post Office Box, you must also provide the street address of the business.
- Provide your current Daytime Business Phone Number.
- Provide your current Business Fax Number, if applicable.
- For partnership licenses, provide your Federal Id Number.
- If going from inactive to active, complete the Applicant's Statement of Financial Condition section.
Additional Requirements
You may be required to file additional documents to renew "active". Requirements are listed on the renewal form under the personnel listing.
- If your license is currently inactive and you are renewing active, you must comply with all requirements (bond, workers compensation, qualifier, etc.) for active status.
- A workers’ compensation recertification is required:
If you have employees and now carry workers’ compensation insurance, you must check the second box of the recertification statement that indicates you have employees and have provided CSLB with a current, valid certificate of workers’ compensation insurance or a Certificate of Self-Insurance, whichever is applicable.
If you have no employees, you are required to recertify your exemption status by checking the first box of the recertification statement that indicates you continue to have no employees, do not hold a C-8 Concrete, C-20 Warm-Air Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning, C-22 Asbestos Abatement, C-39 Roofing, or C61/D49 Tree Service license, or are not otherwise required to carry workers’ compensation insurance, and, therefore, remain exempt from the workers’ compensation insurance requirement.
If a licensee fails to complete the recertification statement and/or provide proof of current workers’ compensation coverage, the license will not be renewed. Please note that all C-8, C-20, C-22, C-39, or C61/D49 contractors must carry workers’ compensation coverage, even if they have no employees. In addition, all contractors with a Responsible Manager Employee as a qualifier or with a Home Improvement Salesperson on record with CSLB must provide proof of workers’ compensation coverage, as both of these individuals are considered employees.
In addition, where indicated on the renewal form, you must list at least one and up to the top three workers’ compensation classification codes for the highest estimated payroll reported on your policy. Per BPC 7125.6, your renewal cannot be processed without this information.
- If your license is currently suspended and you are renewing active, you can submit the required documents to remove the suspension with the renewal application.
- If you have an email address at which you are currently receiving email, you must provide it. (BPC 7083.2) The email provided will not be part of your public license record. CSLB emails important license updates and changes to the law that may affect your license. All emails CSLB sends to the email address you provided are presumed to be received.
Paying the Renewal Fee
Attach a personal, certified, or cashier's check or money order payable to the Contractors State License Board. Do not send cash. If your license is currently renewed, pay the appropriate timely renewal fee. If your license is currently expired, pay the appropriate delinquent renewal fee.
Sole Owner:
- Timely Active Renewal Fee - $450
- Timely Inactive Renewal Fee - $300
- Delinquent Active Renewal Fee - $675
- Delinquent Inactive Renewal Fee - $450
Non-Sole Owner:
- Timely Active Renewal Fee - $700
- Timely Inactive Renewal Fee - $500
- Delinquent Active Renewal Fee - $1,050
- Delinquent Inactive Renewal Fee - $750
Submitting Your Renewal Application
Mail your completed renewal application and fee to the CSLB's Headquarters Office.
Contractors State License Board
P.O. Box 26000
Sacramento, CA 95826-0026
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