Notice of Public Board Meeting

Tuesday, September 24, 2019, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (or until the conclusion of business)
California State University, Chico
Bell Memorial Union, Room 203
400 W. 1st Street, Chico, CA 95929

Meetings are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. All times when stated are approximate and subject to change without prior notice at the discretion of the board, unless listed as “time certain.” Items may be taken out of order to maintain a quorum, accommodate a speaker, or for convenience. Action may be taken on any item listed on this agenda, including information-only items. The meeting may be canceled without notice.

Members of the public can address the board during the public comment session. Public comments will also be taken on agenda items at the time the agenda item is heard and prior to CSLB taking any action on said items. Total time allocated for public comment may be limited at the discretion of the board chair.



  1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum and Chair’s Introduction
  2. Presentation of Certificates of Recognition – May Include Oral Presentations Commemorating Achievements and Service of CSLB Staff and Butte County District Attorneys
  3. Public Comment Session for Items Not on the Agenda and Future Agenda Item Requests
    (Note: Individuals may appear before the board to discuss items not on the agenda; however, CSLB’s board can neither discuss nor take official action on these items at the time of the same meeting (Government Code sections 11125, 11125.7(a)).
  4. Executive
    1. Review and Possible Approval of June 6-7, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes and August 5, 2019, Executive Committee Meeting Summary Report
    2. Budget Update
      1. CSLB Budget Update and Overview
      2. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action on Strategies to Reduce Budget Expenditures and Increase Revenue
        1. Administration
        2. Licensing and Testing
        3. Public Affairs
        4. Enforcement
      3. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action on Proposed Fee Increases
        1. Discussion and Possible Action to Initiate an Emergency Rulemaking, Adopt a Finding of Emergency, and Possibly Initiate a Regular Rulemaking to Amend Title 16, California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 811 Regarding Increasing Renewal Fees
        2. Discussion and Possible Action to Pursue Legislation to Increase CSLB License and Renewal Fees
    3. Information Technology Update
      1. Update and Discussion of Information Technology 2019-21 Strategic Plan Objectives
    4. Administration Update Regarding Personnel and Facilities
      1. Update and Discussion of Administration 2019-21 Strategic Plan Objectives
    5. Registrar’s Report
      1. Tentative Board Meeting Schedule
  5. Enforcement
    1. CSLB Disaster Response
      1. Presentation from Keith Woods, Chief Executive Officer, North Coast Builders Exchange
      2. Update on CSLB Enforcement Disaster Response
    2. Enforcement Program Update
      1. Staff Vacancy Update
      2. Consumer Investigation Highlights
      3. General Complaint-Handling Statistics
      4. Statewide Investigative Fraud Team Highlights and Statistics
      5. Joint Enforcement Strike Force Update
    3. Update on CSLB Solar Task Force and State Agency Partnerships
    4. Review and Discussion of 2018 Consumer Satisfaction Survey Results
    5. Review and Discussion of Enforcement 2019-21 Strategic Plan Objectives
  6. Licensing
    1. Review and Possible Approval of August 6, 2019 Licensing Committee Meeting Summary Report
    2. Update and Presentation on use of CSLB Construction Management Education Account Funds
    3. Licensing Program Update
      1. Application Processing Statistics
      2. Renewal Processing Statistics
      3. Workers’ Compensation Recertification Statistics
      4. Fingerprinting/Criminal Background Unit Statistics
      5. Experience Verification Statistics
      6. Licensing Information Center Statistics
      7. Judgment Unit Statistics
    4. Testing Program Update
      1. Examination Administration Unit Update
      2. Examination Development Unit Update
    5. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Amend Licensing 2019-21 Strategic Plan Objectives
  7. Legislation
    1. Review, Discussion, and Possible Approval of August 6, 2019, Legislative Committee Meeting Summary Report
      1. Status Update on Legislative Committee Meeting Motion Regarding Appropriate Classification(s) to Install Battery Energy Storage Systems
    2. Update on Previously Considered 2019-20 Pending or Enacted Legislation
      1. AB 193 (Patterson) Professions and Vocations
      2. AB 544 (Brough) Profession and Vocations: Inactive License Fees and Accrued and Unpaid Renewal Fees
      3. AB 613 (Low) Professions and Vocations: Regulatory Fees
      4. AB 1024 (Fazier) Home Inspectors: Licensing: Contractors State License Board
      5. AB 1545 (Obernolte) Civil Penalty Reduction Policy
      6. AB 1551 (Daly) Property Assessed Clean Energy Program
      7. SB 144 (Mitchell and Hertzberg) Criminal Fees
      8. SB 556 (Pan) Professional Land Surveyors and Engineers
      9. AB 1076 (Ting) Criminal Records: Automatic Relief
      10. SB 53 (Wilk) Open Meetings
      11. SB 255 (Bradford) Women, Minority, Disabled Veteran, and LGBT Business Enterprise Procurement: Electric Service Providers: Energy Storage System Companies: Community Choice Aggregators
      12. SB 601 (Morrell) State Agencies: Licenses: Fee Waiver
      13. SB 610 (Glazer) Contractors: Licensing and Regulation
    3. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Pursue Legislation to Enact a Residential Remodeling and Home Improvement License Classification
    4. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Pursue Legislation to Increase the Minor Work Licensure Exemption for Contracting (Currently Under $500 for Labor and Materials)
    5. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Pursue Legislation to Amend Business and Professions Code Section 7141.5 (Retroactive Renewals)
    6. Discussion and Possible Action to Consider Changes to Previously Proposed Text and Reauthorization of a Regular Rulemaking to Make Changes to Text at Title 16, CCR sections 868, 869, and 869.9 (Criteria to Aid in Determining if Crimes or Acts Are Substantially Related to Contracting Business, Criteria for Rehabilitation, and Criteria to Aid in Determining Earliest Date a Denied Applicant May Reapply for Licensure), Section 868.1 (Criteria to Aid in Determining if Financial Crimes Are Directly and Adversely Related to Fiduciary Qualifications, Functions, or Duties of a Licensee or Registrant for the Purpose of Considering Denials of Applications) and Section 869.5 (Inquiry into Criminal Convictions)
    7. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Amend Legislative 2019-21 Strategic Plan Objectives
  8. Public Affairs
    1. Public Affairs Program Update
      1. Online Highlights
      2. Video/Digital Services
      3. Social Media Highlights
      4. Media Relations Highlights
      5. Publications/Graphic Design Highlights
      6. Industry/Licensee Outreach Highlights
      7. Consumer/Community Outreach Highlights
      8. Intranet/Employee Relations
    2. Update and Discussion of Public Affairs 2019-21 Strategic Plan Objectives
  9. Adjournment

Note: The board intends to provide a live webcast of the meeting. The webcast can be located at Webcast availability cannot, however, be guaranteed due to limitations on resources or technical difficulties. The meeting will continue even if the webcast is unavailable. If you wish to participate or have a guaranteed opportunity to observe, please plan to attend the physical meeting location.

The meeting is accessible to those needing special accommodation. A person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Phyliz Jones at (916) 255-4000, or, or Phyliz Jones, 9821 Business Park Drive, Sacramento, CA, 95827. Providing your request at least five business days prior to the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation.

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