Energy Storage Systems

For updated information about this topic, click here :

Notice of Intent to Award Energy Storage System Consulting Services

In April 2018, the Board directed CSLB staff to conduct public meetings and collect information regarding the appropriate license classification(s) authorized to contract for and install an Energy Storage System (ESS).

At its March 2019 quarterly meeting, the Board unanimously adopted the following motion after reviewing staff’s ESS Report (linked below), considering related correspondence, and receiving testimony from 74 members of the public:

  1. Consider battery energy storage system size, complexity, voltage, and potential risk.
  2. Draft a proposed regulatory package for board consideration that would prohibit or restrict certain contractor classifications from performing the installation of battery energy storage systems.
  3. Assign this to the appropriate board committee or committees and provide updates at each board meeting.

The Board Chair assigned the review to the Legislative Committee. Concepts for regulatory proposals related to battery ESS installation will be presented for the committee’s review at its August 6, 2019 meeting. That meeting will be held in the Employment Development Department Auditorium, 722 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814. The agenda will be posted on this website at least ten days prior to the meeting date.

Battery Energy Storage System Materials (For August 6, 2019 Legislative Committee Meeting)

Energy Storage System Report (Presented to Board in March 2019)

The report includes summaries of the following materials:

  • 121 letters recommending the Board make no changes to its existing license classifications
  • 148 letters recommending the Board clarify current regulations to require that only C-10 Electrical Contractors may install battery ESS, including letters signed by 28 members of the state legislature and 23 other elected state or local officials
  • Petition signed by 2,877 people who strongly urge CSLB to only allow C-10 Electrical Contractors to install and maintain battery ESS
  • Transcripts from CSLB public hearings and meetings with industry experts

Background Materials

May 8 2019 ESS Stakeholder Meeting

Battery Energy Storage Systems Proposed Regulatory Timeline (Dec 2020)

Five videos that were presented to CSLB are also displayed below:

Video produced by C-10 Industry

Electrical #1

Videos Produced by C-46 Industry

Solar #1

Solar #2

Solar #3

Solar #4

Stakeholder Meeting - October 1, 2019

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

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