Most Wanted - Paul James Helen

Paul James Helen- Unlicensed Contractor
- 2 counts – 487 (a) PC (felony) – Grand Theft
- 2 count 7028(a)(1) BP – (misdemeanor) – Contracting without a license
- 2 count 7159.5 (a)(3) – Illegal Down Payment
- 1 count 3700.6 Failure to Secure Workers Compensation Insurance
- 1 count – 7027.1 – Unlawful Advertising
El Dorado County
Camino Landscape Company
The El Dorado District Attorney’s office has an active arrest warrant for Paul Helen. Helen is accused of two felony counts of grand theft after committing fraud against consumers who hired his company for landscaping work. The District Attorney’s office says Helen obtained more than $14,000 total from two different consumers. Helen also faces misdemeanor charges for requesting illegal down payments, since they exceeded $1,000 or 10 percent of the home improvement contracts.
The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) previously issued two citations to Helen for contracting without a license. The CSLB also referred a case against the respondent to the Stanislaus County District Attorney for advertising and contracting without a license. On 4/20/2017, the Stanislaus Superior Court found Helen guilty of those violations. He was fined, sentenced to 36 months of probation, and the court ordered him not to contract without a license again.
Last Updated November,2021