List of All CSLB Fees
Payments at CSLB's Sacramento office may be made by cash (exact change only), check, or money order.
The Norwalk, Fresno, San Bernardino and San Diego offices are not accepting payments at this time.
Payment kiosks are not available statewide at this time.
The applicable fees are linked to the postmark date or the date hand-delivered to CSLB headquarters in Sacramento (Map) for application, licensing, and miscellaneous fees.
Application and Licensing Fees | Fees |
Original Application (exam or waiver for one classification) | $450 |
Initial License Fee (Sole Owner) | $200 |
Initial License Fee (Non-Sole Owner) | $350 |
Additional Classification (each) (with waiver or joint venture application for original license) | $150 |
Add New Personnel (for existing corporation or LLC) | $125 |
Add New Limited Partner (for existing partnership) | $125 |
Additional Classification (for existing license) | $230 |
Replacing the Qualifier | $230 |
License Reactivation Application (Sole Owner) | $450 |
License Reactivation Application (Non-Sole Owner) | $700 |
Joint Venture Application total fee for one classification
(Application fee plus initial license fee) |
$800 |
Home Improvement Salesperson Registration Application | $200 |
Asbestos Certification Application | $125 |
Hazardous Substance Removal Certification Application | $125 |
Fingerprinting Fees—Paid to Live Scan Operator Dept. of Justice Processing Fee |
$32 |
Federal Bureau of Investigation Processing Fee | $17 |
Live Scan "Rolling Fees" Each Live Scan site sets its own fee—CSLB does not set the price. Rolling fees are available on DOJ listing of Live Scan sites |
Varies |
License and Registration Renewal Fees | Fees |
Active Timely Renewal (Sole Owner)
(Postmarked or received at CSLB [for hand deliveries] on or before the expiration date) |
(C-10 contractors will be charged $470) |
Active Timely Renewal (Non-Sole Owner)
(Postmarked or received at CSLB [for hand deliveries] on or before the expiration date) |
(C-10 contractors will be charged $720) |
Active Delinquent Renewal (Sole Owner)
(Postmarked or received at CSLB [for hand deliveries] on or before the expiration date) |
(C-10 contractors will be charged $695) |
Active Delinquent Renewal (Non-Sole Owner)
(Postmarked or received at CSLB [for hand deliveries] on or before the expiration date) |
(C-10 contractors will be charged $1,070) |
Inactive Timely Renewal (Sole Owner)
(Postmarked or received at CSLB [for hand deliveries] on or before the expiration date) |
$300 |
Inactive Timely Renewal (Non-Sole Owner)
(Postmarked or received at CSLB [for hand deliveries] on or before the expiration date) |
$500 |
Inactive Delinquent Renewal (Sole Owner)
(Postmarked or received at CSLB [for hand deliveries] after the expiration date) (Renewal fee plus penalty) |
$450 |
Inactive Delinquent Renewal (Non-Sole Owner)
(Postmarked or received at CSLB [for hand deliveries] after the expiration date) (Renewal fee plus penalty) |
$750 |
Home Improvement Salesperson Timely Renewal
(Postmarked or received at CSLB [for hand deliveries] after the expiration date) (Renewal fee plus penalty) |
$200 |
Home Improvement Salesperson Delinquent Renewal
(Renewal fee plus penalty) |
$300 |
Miscellaneous Fees | Fees |
Duplicate/Replacement Pocket/Wall Certificates | $25 |
Business Name Change | $100 |
Certified License History for licensed or unlicensed contractor, per name researched | $67 |
Certified License History for registered or unregistered Home Improvement Salesperson, per name researched | $67 |
General Status Letter | $8 |
Bond Status Letter | $8 |
Copies of Public Documents | $0.10 per page |
Certified Copies of Public Documents | $2 plus $0.10 per page |