There are new requirements for solar energy system contractors as a result of Assembly Bill 1070 (Gonzalez Fletcher), Chapter 662, Statutes of 2017.
- As of January 1, 2019, solar energy system companies must provide the Solar Energy System Disclosure Document to consumers printed in boldface 16-point font on either the front or cover page of every solar energy contract prior to completing a sale, financing, or lease of a solar energy system to be installed on a residential building.
- The disclosure document and the contract must be written in the same language principally used in the oral sales presentation or the marketing materials provided to the consumer. English and Spanish versions of the disclosure document are available on CSLB’s website in English and Spanish. The contractor must translate the document into other languages, as necessary.
CSLB hopes the requirement to include the Solar Energy System Disclosure Document in the contract for residential solar energy systems will reduce misunderstandings between contractors and consumers and help our licensees improve their relationships with customers.
CSLB staff is participating in ongoing efforts with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to develop the Supporting Information Documents described in subsection (c) of Business and Professions Code 7169. The Supporting Information Documents will be provided to consumers along with the Solar Energy System Disclosure document. The new Supporting Information Documents will be posted on this page when they are approved by the CPUC and CSLB.
Assembly Bill 1070 also requires CSLB to post the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing Estimate and Disclosure form required by subdivision (b) of Section 5898.17 of the Streets and Highways Code on its website. That PACE disclosure is required to be completed and delivered to a property owner before the property owner enters a PACE assessment contract. Solar energy system companies utilizing PACE should already be complying with this requirement for its contracts.
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