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Online surveys gather input on future tests, industry standards
To participate in future surveys involving current industry standards and recommendations about what information should be included in license examinations, you'll need to provide CSLB with your email address.
CSLB's "occupational analysis surveys" have transitioned to being completely online through the SurveyMonkey questionnaire site instead of paper surveys that were distributed through postal mail.
Since CSLB's testing division distributes up to 10 classification surveys each year, the online surveys provide significant cost-savings and allow staff to better track and organize the trade information submitted by participants.

Industry Expert Contractors Needed in Fresno Area
If you're a licensee in the Central Valley area with a C-57 Well Drilling or C-6 Cabinet, Millwork and Finish Carpentry classification – and hold yourself and your colleagues to high standards – CSLB may have a job for you.
CSLB is recruiting licensed contractors in those trades to join its Industry Expert Program (IEP), a group of construction professionals who assist CSLB staff in investigating consumer complaints.
Industry experts serve as independent consultants to CSLB, and are compensated for their time.
IEs have a unique opportunity to help ensure that construction safety and industry standards are being met. An IE inspects assigned projects, and prepares unbiased, professional reports to help protect the public from unscrupulous or incompetent licensed and unlicensed contractors. An IE also may be called upon to testify in arbitration and/or administrative hearings.
IEs must be licensed and in good standing with five years of experience as the license qualifier, and have no legal or disciplinary actions against them within the past seven years to qualify for the program.
To participate as an IE or for additional information, review CSLB's Industry Expert publication, or send an email.