The Road to Becoming a Licensed Contractor
Learn How to Get Your Contractor License at a Free Workshop
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Congratulations, if you're at least 18 years old and have had at least four years of experience at the journeyman level over the past 10 years, you're well on your way to getting your very own contractor's license.
What is a Journeyman?
This section explains exactly what a journeyman is and how that experience is used to help you qualify for your contractor's license.
Learn How to Become a Licensed Contractor
This section provides information to help you apply for and get your contractor's license.
Consequences of Contracting Without a License
If you choose to contract without a license, you could end up in jail, prison or face some pretty steep fines. Find out why it's not worth taking the chance.
Help If You Already Have a Contractors License from Another State or Country
Although you can't use a contractor's license from another state or country to work in California, it may help you get a license here. This section explains how.
Overview of CSLB Licensing Process
This section provides an overview of what you’ll need to know to get a licensed. These materials, in English and Spanish, are used at CSLB outreach presentations.
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