Contractors Sought as CSLB Industry Experts in Sacramento, Fresno Areas
CSLB is looking for veteran C-12 Earthwork and Paving, and C-23 Ornamental Metal contractors in the Sacramento area, and C-8 Concrete contractors in the Fresno area to join its Industry Expert Program (IEP), a group of trade professionals who assist CSLB in investigating consumer complaints.
Industry experts (IEs) serve as independent consultants to CSLB, and are compensated for their time.
IEs have a unique opportunity to help ensure that construction safety and industry standards are being met. An IE inspects assigned projects, and prepares unbiased, professional reports to help protect the public from unscrupulous or incompetent licensed and unlicensed contractors. An IE also may be called upon to testify in arbitration and/or administrative hearings.
IEs must be licensed and in good standing with five years of experience as the license qualifier, and have no legal actions against them within the past seven years to qualify for the program.
To participate as an IE or for more information, review CSLB's Industry Expert publication, or send an email. An application to join the IE program can be printed, filled out and mailed to CSLB's Sacramento headquarters.

New Cal/OSHA Safety Publication
for Construction Industry Available
An updated version of "Pocket Guide for the Construction Industry," the foremost safety authority for California construction, has been released by the state Department of Industrial Relations and Cal/OSHA. The publication allows construction supervisors, employers, and workers to quickly reference safety requirements and updated regulations for various topics, including heavy equipment, airborne contaminants, blasting, fall protection, and multi-employer worksites. Cal/OSHA's mission is to protect workers from health and safety hazards in almost all workplace settings. Cal/OSHA's Consultation Services Branch provides free and voluntary assistance to employers and employee organizations to improve their health and safety programs; call 800.963.9424 for assistance.
Sac State Construction Management Students Tops in Nation
A California State University, Sacramento, Construction Management team won the national concrete solutions championship held recently at the Associated Schools of Construction's (ASC) Region 3 student competition in Downers Grove, Ill. This makes the fourth consecutive national title for Sac State's concrete solutions teams.
In addition, another Construction Management team finished second in the health-care preconstruction competition at the ASC meet.
Twelve concrete solutions teams from across the country were challenged to prepare a successful bid for a private client in New York. They were faced with a remote location, "terrible terrain" and a completion deadline of just 150 days. The teams had to provide a detailed request for qualifications, a concrete pour sequence schedule, and other deliverables, and made an oral presentation to the judges.
The team in the health care competition faced off against 11 other schools from around the country to estimate and plan the construction of a hospital, and to present their preconstruction proposal to the judges.