Winter 2015-16       |      Cindi Christenson, Registrar      |      Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor


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Title 24 Requirements and Cool Roof Systems

As required by California's Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, cool roof systems must now be installed as an energy-saving measure. This includes re-roofing projects. C-39 Roofing contractors comply with this requirement by using roofing materials that contain insulation, such as asphalt shingles with reflective properties or light colors, insulation membranes, tiles that contain the insulation material, or liquid-applied coating.

If a cool roof system is not installed, the Energy Standards must be complied with in some other way. Adding insulation is the most common way; however, this work must be completed by a licensed C-2 – Insulation and Acoustical contractor. Work that falls within the C-2 classification is not incidental or supplemental to the installation of a roofing system and cannot be performed by a C-39 contractor. The homeowner would need to directly contract with a licensed C-2 contactor.

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