Reminder: Building Permits Are Not Optional

Reminder: Building Permits Are Not Optional
CSLB is currently exploring options to try and reduce the number of licensed contractors who fail to pull required building permits. Over the past four years, CSLB investigated almost 4,400 building permit violations, and took legal action against licensees in almost 1,200 of those cases.
These violations can jeopardize public safety and put those contractors who do properly pull permits at a competitive disadvantage.
CSLB has formed a Building Permit Advisory Committee of two Board members to work with staff and building department officials to develop strategies to increase contractor compliance with local building permit requirements.
In the meantime, there is no ambiguity in the law - contractors working in trades that require a building permit for their project must "pull" it at the building department before starting a job.
Do not be fooled into thinking that no one will know if a permit is not pulled. CSLB enforcement staff often catch contractors who lack a building permit when investigating a complaint. Be aware that anyone can file an anonymous complaint against a contractor with CSLB solely for his or her failure to obtain a required building permit.
In such cases, the contractor who performed the work will be responsible for bringing the project into compliance at his or her expense, including any penalties imposed by the building department. Permit enforcement by CSLB has been and remains an enforcement priority, and contractors who continue to perform work without permits will be subject to formal disciplinary action, which could result in license revocation.
Complaints of unpermitted construction work are increasing among licensees. CSLB encourages you to report any violators, whether licensed or unlicensed, using our Building Permit Violation form.