New Tool for CSLB to Address Minor Violations
CSLB is responsible for enforcing California's contractors' state license law. In this role, CSLB is committed to using new enforcement tools to help educate contractors while keeping them in compliance with state regulations.
Prior to this year, CSLB had issued administrative citations for less serious violations, which can result in a civil penalty. To further support business growth for licensees, CSLB sponsored Senate Bill 486, which grants the registrar authority to issue a Letter of Admonishment for minor violations.
The letter will be disclosed on a license record for twelve months from the date of issuance and may require the licensee to brush up on the law or make a corrective action plan using guidelines provided by CSLB.
CSLB expects to start using the letter this summer. Be sure to sign-up for our industry bulletins to receive up-to-date information on this and other subjects.
More information on the new Letter of Admonishment can be found in Business and Professions Code §7099.2.