Message From the Board Chair

If your business is anything like mine in the past couple of months, you're beginning to see an increase in the number of project orders and contracts. When I brought up this topic at the February 26, 2013, Board meeting in Sacramento, several other Board members (who also are contractors or involved in the construction industry) agreed.
As I explained in the meeting, business increases seem to be occurring in high-costs sectors, both for construction work and high-end materials. Historically, this means the middle and lower-cost projects soon will follow that up-trend. What I've noticed at my offices is that the order volume is nearing 2007 levels, and making me wonder if we have enough manpower to meet the demand. These are all welcomed signs of encouragement that our industry may be returning to a solid growth cycle.
Regardless of whether you, too, are ramping up your operations or managing the status quo, be sure to read the information in this edition of the California Licensed Contractor newsletter. You'll find important reminders about your license, regulations, industry safety, and more. CSLB also is looking for industry experts in several specialty classifications. If you're interested in participating, details can be found here.
CSLB is continuing its aggressive efforts to help level the playing field through multiple partnerships with both state and local authorities. Targeted construction site inspections and undercover sting operations continue to be conducted throughout the state each week. Remember that CSLB has an online complaint form that can be submitted if you become aware of illegal contracting activity in your region.
Respectfully,Paul Schifino